Advanced Filters

Several of our endpoints for retrieving lists include advanced filters for more precise filtering. These filters can help you narrow down your data search in your development and improve the efficiency and accuracy of your queries.

Below are the advanced filters:

.ninNOT INSearches for values that are not in the array/endpoint?id.nin[]=ID1&id.nin[]=ID2
.inINSearches for specific values in an array/endpoint?[]=ID1&[]=ID2
.eqEQUALSearches for an exact value/endpoint?id=ID
.neNOT EQUALSearches for values that are not equal to the specified value/endpoint?
.gtGREATER THANSearches for values greater than the specified value/endpoint?
.gteGREATER OR EQUAL THANSearches for values greater than or equal to the specified value/endpoint?field.gte=1000
.ltLESS THANSearches for values less than the specified value/endpoint?
.lteLESS OR EQUAL THANSearches for values less than or equal to the specified value/endpoint?field.lte=1000


Can I combine filters?

Yes, you can combine multiple filters from the table.

For example:

